4:30 a.m.
My partner gets an erection at approximately 4:30 a.m. almost daily. Sometimes he’s aware of it, but most times, he’s not. Fortunately for him, I’m an early riser.
See, the way my circadian rhythm is set up, no matter what time I fall asleep; I am always awake no later than 4:30 a.m. So that’s about the time that I snake my arm around his waist, and I let my fingers take a walk down south because, if I’m lucky, his erect penis will be awaiting my arrival. And I’m rarely disappointed.
My partner prefers morning sex. So to say that we have sex for breakfast regularly is an understatement. On weekdays we have light breakfast sex, but on the weekends, we chow down!
Our weekend breaky sex sessions often go on for hours. We pride ourselves on enjoying all there is to enjoy. Afterward, we laze around, hydrate our bodies, and share a nourishing meal.
It is time well spent.
But we are not the only ones who take advantage of first-watch sex. If you were to take a poll, I’m sure you’d find that many people are more inclined to have sex in the morning than at any other time of the day.
Still not convinced?
Here are five compelling reasons why you should be having sex for breakfast too:
1. Morning Wood
If you have a penis, you have most certainly awakened to find your member standing in full salute. And contrary to popular belief, people with vaginas often experience clitoral erections in the morning too. ← So yes, that’s totally a thing.
And while a morning boner is not always evidence of arousal — it’s a great incentive.
Testosterone levels tend to be elevated first thing in the morning. And since this hormone influences sexual desire (in people with penises and vaginas), morning sex just makes sense.
It’s easier to get turned on when the equipment is all systems go. Then, when you’re already ready, you don’t have to get ready — if you know what I mean.
2. More Energy
So we’ve already established that testosterone is at its peak in the morning. Also, most people have way more energy in the morning than in the evening.
But there is also the matter of convenience. You’re already in bed; your partner is more likely to say yes to sex in the morning. Why? Because they don’t have a gazillion thoughts pulling them in a million different directions — yet.
Morning sex is like caffeine on steroids. After a good morning climax, you feel like you can do anything! Your to-do list all of a sudden feels doable. And that thing you were overwhelmed about yesterday — wait, what was that about again?
Why hit the gym on your way to the office when you can get all the cardio you need by doing the horizontal boogie with your boo?
3. Puts You in a Good Mood
After a good workout, endorphins flood your body, which not only act as pain relievers — but will also improve your mood. That’s right, dear reader, sex in the morning will make you less of a cranky pants!
And as a bonus, you get to ride that emotional high all day.
See, as with any feel-good activity, the brain releases a geyser of dopamine and oxytocin during sex (multiply that by a gazillion if you have an orgasm). And when dopamine and oxytocin start crossing through your veins, guess what you feel? GOOD AF!
And if you’re wondering what happens when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Well, morning sex might be just what you need to make it right! Assuming that you are willing to go there — of course.
4. Good for your Health
You have probably heard this before, but I will repeat it — sex is good for your health.
Here are a few of the health benefits of a healthy sex life:
lower blood pressure
stress reduction
increases immunoglobulin A (which helps fight off the sickies)
So yeah, people who have sex regularly have more robust immune systems. And I would even venture to say they are less likely to be easily triggered by trivial bullshit.
My partner likes to call this post-sex state “the bubble” because it feels like the challenges of the day bounce off. In other words, morning sex is a deflector for negative thoughts and feelings. And it also makes you less susceptible to the negative Nancys & Normans of the world.
5. Deeper Intimacy
If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have heard me say that most of us crave intimacy more than love. We want to experience closeness, to feel like we belong, and to know that we matter.
Sex is one of the ways we source intimacy in romantic connections. But if we are honest with ourselves, intimacy often takes a back seat to life’s responsibilities.
While you might love your partner every day, it’s easy to forget the passion you felt when your relationship started. But sex for breakfast can help you get that old thing back.
Remember those oxytocin levels I mentioned earlier? Well, oxytocin is more than a mood booster — it also heightens amorous feelings.
“Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.” — Dr. Debby Herbenick
Morning sexcapades will make you a better “us.” And since relationships provide a level of fulfillment that few things can match — I suggest putting morning sex on the agenda a couple of times a week (at least).
Taking advantage of morning wood is efficient.
Sex for breakfast also gives you more energy.
An a.m. roll in the hay will improve your mood.
Doing the grown-up in the morning will strengthen your immune system.
Getting busy with your boo at dawn will nourish your relationship.
Need I say more? Just do it 😉