Why Are Men Turned on by Aggressive Sex? Here Are 3 Excellent Reasons...
Because it’s exciting, sperm is competitive, and orgasms are almost guaranteed.

At first glance, my partner appears to be mild-mannered. He’s a gentleman, the kind of guy who opens doors and walks on the outside of the street. He tells corny jokes and enjoys field trips to nature reserves and national parks.
And he likes his sex the way he likes his food — moist, spicy, and flavorful.
He loves it when I ride him — reverse cowgirl because that gives him complete access to my voluptuous ass.
The sloshing sound of my W.A.P. arouses him. The sight of me bouncing up and down on his member keeps him on edge. But there is nothing that makes him rock harder than feeling the sting of his palm on my rump shaker.
Watching as my ass flushes crimson in response to his palm making contact stokes his fire, which is something that he was too shy to do in the past.
But now, he is open to exploring the full spectrum of pleasure. His penchant for “playful force” has grown exponentially — and I’m here for it.
But what is it about rough sex that excites penis owners so much?
The Top 3 Reasons Why Men Enjoy Rough Sex:
1. Sperm is competitive
The design of the human penis is unique — compared to the penises of other mammals. And researchers believe that sperm competition may have played a significant role in the evolution of male genitalia:
This all makes perfect sense. The mushroom head at the tip of the male penis is reminiscent of the plunger in a medical syringe.
And if other semen happens to be present in the vaginal canal during intercourse, guess what happens? The thrusting action of the penis basically says, “Move bitch! Get out the way!”
What does this have to do with penis owners liking rough sex?
To put it simply, sperm removal takes effort and sticktoitiveness. And then suppose there is even the slightest possibility that their partner might be fucking someone else. In that case, the penis owner will unconsciously begin to bulldoze his penis in a frenzy to get rid of the competition.
And as nature would have it, plowing the penis into a warm, moist orifice is a recipe for pleasure.
2. Rough Sex is a Novelty
Boredom is the number one cause of sexlessness. Okay, this is my personal assessment, but that doesn’t make it less accurate. And that’s another reason why penis owners enjoy rough sex — they want to switch things up.
Keeping sex fresh and new can be challenging — especially in long-term relationships. And while people with vaginas are more likely to become bored with sex — people with penises know this.
Rough sex provides a much-needed break from sexual monotony. And for the record, vanilla sex can be delectable, but sometimes you have a taste for Ben and Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk kind of sex. Switching things up breathes new life into the entire relationship — not just the bedroom.

In other words, the novelty of rough sex keeps sex from becoming habitual — a.k.a. boring.
3. Better Orgasms
Roughhouse variety sex makes for better orgasms —not all the time, but a lot of the time. Why? Because adrenaline, friction, and perpetual motion, that’s why. To put it another way, rough sex is exciting — and when the body is excited — BOOM!
Seriously, people with penises and vaginas not only reach orgasm faster during rough sex — but the orgasms are also more satisfying. #RealTalk
Rough sex creates energetic and emotional intensity. The heart rate accelerates, sensations become heightened, and the nervous system gets worked into a tizzy. And when all systems are a go — orgasm is damn near guaranteed — every time.
Side note: damn-near does not mean always. Just wanted to clarify that for those of you who might get caught up performing sex for tricks instead of pleasure. 😉
And I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that people with vaginas like rough sex too. In fact, according to PornHub statistics, hardcore (rough sex) porn is 75% more popular with people who identify as women.

The bottom line: whether you have a penis or a vagina, you're not alone if you like it rough.
But before you go, I want to leave you with some sex tips that are good for all kinds of sex:
Enthusiastic Consent - make sure your partner is a HELL YES to the entire sexual experience, not just the beginning. Check in often to make sure that they stay enthusiastic the whole way through.
Full Arousal - all parties should be fully aroused no matter what kind of sex you’re having, but this is especially true for rough sex. Full arousal will help keep the ouches away. 😉
Lube It Up - lube is never optional; it’s a requirement because bodily fluids can evaporate and dry quickly. Using lube ensures that pleasure is the star of the show — even when it hurts so good.
Be Present - if you want to maximize your pleasure, stay in the room. Keep your attention where the pleasure is — whether you are giving or receiving. Wherever pleasure is happening is where your focus should be.
Prioritize Aftercare - the ending is what people remember first and foremost. So if the sex was good, don’t leave before it’s done.
Originally published on Medium
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