Really enjoyed this read. There is so much more to a great and life-enhancing sex life than sex. And, personally, sex has just got better and better with age.

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The more you know, right?! Sex is so much better with age... the pleasure, the presence, the profundity! Yeah, that. 💗

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As an older male I appreciate your opening up the definition of "sex". Sometimes it's just spending time skin to skin.

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Yassss! I love me some skin time. There are few things I love more than the warmth of my lovers hand on my skin. I know you know what I mean Bryan. Good stuff. 🤩

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I absolutely know about this - I’m 73! Thank you Stacey - and I learned a few things I can see would make it even better 😊)

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I love this for you Georgia! What a delicious season of discovery you're in. Enjoy all there is to enjoy... and then enjoy it some more!!! 😍

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May 30, 2023
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"We get so much sexier as we develop knowledge, experience, and communication skills." I couldn't agree more! The best is yet to come! 🤩

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